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(Wallsend to Bowness-on Solway) – based in Northumberland, situated in the Tyne Valley, we are ideally based to offer any transport service in and around Hadrian’s Wall.  Our team can get you from any location across the 84 mile route.  Travelling the breadth of England, from Wallsend to Bowness-on-Solway, including all seven stamp points for the Hadrian’s Wall  Path Passport, has never been more achievable.



Full day, half day, tailored or structured itinerary to customers’ requirements on places of interest.  Additional tour guide literature available on request. 


Food and accommodation can be arranged.  Areas covered are in and around Hadrian’s Wall predominantly, however, happy to discuss tours across other areas in Northumberland, ranging from the Northeast to West Coast.



Portgate – fortified gateway built to control traffic as it passed north through Hadrian’s Wall, with the remains existing under the old Military Road, south west of Stagshaw Roundabout, just outside Corbridge.  


Chesters Roman Fort – site of the most complete Roman Cavalry Fort in Britain, with bath-house, officers house and soldiers quarters.  Entry is via purchased tickets on-site. 


Housesteads – probably one of the largest sites on the Wall, with barrack blocks and hospital, with the fortress giving some of the best panoramic views of the location. Entry is via purchased tickets on-site, which are available from the visitors centre.


Vindolanda - formerly a key military post on the northern frontier of Britain, Vindolanda is the home of Britain's 'Top Treasure' - the Vindolanda Writing Tablets - and is one Europe's most important Roman archaeological sites, with live excavations taking place every year. Entry is via purchased tickets which also gain access to the on-site museum and the Roman Army Museum situated a short distance away in Greenhead.



The Sill, National Landscape Discovery Centre – one of the best locations to find out all about Northumberland National Park.  Entry is free with exhibitions, rooftop walk, café and gift shop.


Cawfields Quarry – a dramatic stretch of Hadrian's Wall, being one of the highest standing sections of the Wall, with turrets and an impressive milecastle.  No entry fee.


Brocolitia (Carrawburgh Roman Fort) – one of the 16 forts along Hadrians Wall, with the surviving structures only visible as earthworks.  The nearby temple, known as Mithras was once part of the civilian settlement developed outside the fort.  No entry fee.


Steel Rigg – a steep cliff-face being one of the most iconic features in the Northumbrian landscape. It offers some of the best viewpoints on the Wall and the lake of Crag Lough.  Steel Rigg shows how the Romans used the natural landscape to maximise the strength of their frontier.  The walk to Steel Rigg allows access to the site that once held the famous Sycamore Gap tree. No entry fee.

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